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Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2006
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Martha Waite, Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker

OTHERS PRESENT:         Joyce Crouse, Agent, Randy Mizereck, Consultant,
        Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM

August 28, 2006:  M. Johnson motioned to approve with the changes.  M. Waite seconded.  
September 18, 2006:  M. Johnson motioned to approve with changes.  M. Waite seconded.  


14 Nottingham Circle:  Wachusett Environmental for Michael Jennette.  The applicant is submitting septic plans for a repair of a failed SAS.
The Board recommends using a 1500 gallon tank.

Two (2) additional deep holes, and observation, are required per 4/21/06 revised Title 5

Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:

magnetic tape needed on all system components

inspection ports are required

risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”.

Survey and stake the westerly lot line.

After the existing tank is pumped the engineer needs to certify that the 1000 gallon tank has been inspected and in good condition.

Old system must be properly decommissioned per Title 5.

M. Waite motioned to approve with recommendation #1, and Conditions #1 – 5.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Lot 1 Sterling Road (12/5):  HUB Survey Assoc., Inc. for Theodore Zawalick Jr, new construction.  The applicant is re-submitting plans for approval.  This was tabled at the 9/18/06 & 10/23/06 meetings.  The driveway was too close to the SAS, and the fill encroaches on the neighboring lot.  The lot lines either need to be changed or an easement created.  A locus is also needed on the plans. The applicant still has not moved the SAS.  The Board previously stated that the lot lines either need to be changed or an easement created.  J. Crouse informed the Board that Dennis Lipka, Building Inspector, does not believe it is a good practice to endorse septic easements.  The Board agreed that they would not approve septic easements in the future.  The Board
recommended that the system be moved 90°.  The applicant was to come before the Board to state his case, but did not show.

Lot 2 Sterling Road (12/5):  HUB Survey Assoc., Inc. for Theodore Zawalick Jr, new construction.  The applicant is re-submitting plans for approval.  This was tabled at the 9/18/06 & 10/23/06 meetings.  The locus was still not added to the plans.  The applicant was to come before the Board to state his case, but did not show.

Lots 1 & 2 Sterling Rd.:
Must go before the Planning Board for approval as ANR lots.
Both lots need Con Com approval.
The lots lines need to be addressed.

Tabled Lot 1 & 2 Sterling Road:  The applicant was not present to represent the plans.  Contractor has cited Title 5 regulations as to the placement of the grading easements.  It was the opinion of the Board that since each lot is approximately +/- 5 acres there was sufficient room available for the placement of the system which would result in the elimination of any easements.  The concern is maintenance issues with subsequent property owners.  The Board is therefore requesting that the system on Lot 1 be rotated 90°.  The Board will request the applicant to attend their next meeting to discuss these issues.

11 Buckingham Road:  Requested to come before the Board to address some issues.  The Board has copies of all correspondences for review.  The applicant cancelled the appointment.  The septic sand came from Bond Sand & Gravel, and was tested by Miller Engineering & Testing Inc.  J. Crouse will call for septic sand prices and C33 sand, delivered to the site.  The documents seem to be altered and are illegible.  The applicant will be asked to have Bond clarify delivery to 11 Buckingham Rd.  Some documentation is also needed that the homeowner has received the operating manuals.

Moscow Rd:  Discussion of Central Mass Septic Service license.

Flu Clinic:  November 13 & 27, 2006, at the Senior Center, went very well.

800 Main St:  Will be tying into public sewer the end of November.

786 Princeton St:  Jim Morin installed an infiltrator system that has a failed line.

High School:  There was no hot water for a week.  A letter will be sent to the project manager.

High School well:  An existing irrigation well has not been properly abandoned and has cracked and is being contaminated.  Site review by J. Crouse and R. Swigor.  J. Crouse will follow up.

30 Sawyer Ln:  Sewage back up needs to be cleaned up.  System now tied into town sewers.

Certification Program:  December 2, 2006.  Mark Johnson will attend.

Nail Salons:  Do these need to be licensed by the town?  J Crouse will check on this.

480 Manning St:  Contractor started work there without hay bales in place, or deed restrictions filed at the registry.  Work will be suspended until they comply.

Next Meeting:  January 8, 2007 at 5:00 PM

M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:25 PM.

November 27, 2006 meeting minutes approved:     January 8, 2007 

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary